Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Is there enough time?

Anyone who knows me knows that I'm always on the quest to find the perfect routine. The best way for me to spend each day to ensure my life is full of happiness, that I am healthy, and that I am productive!
This quest has led me to a lot of research on many different topics. Recently I have been evaluating my goals and thanks to Kimberly Wilson's 52 Weeks of Tranquility, I have been reassessing whether or not I have too many goals to successfully achieve. I mean, is it realistic to try to have everday be like this?

Rise with the sun
Complete 30 to 90 minutes of yoga followed by meditation
Perform an enema for at least 15 minutes
Oil pull with coconut oil for at least 15 minutes while dry brushing
Shower to include washing and conditioning hair, washing/exfoliating face, washing/exfoliating body, shaving, and exfoliating feet
Apply damage control and smoothing serum to wet hair
Complete face routine including tweezing as needed, moisturizing, and no less than seven pieces of make up
Hair routine including blow drying, straightening, and damage control
Drink 8 ounces of warm water with the juice from half lemon and a pinch of cayenne pepper
Set my intentions for the day
Make a fresh green juice as my first of six small whole food meals
Work/study/homework/attend classes
Make sure to drink at least a gallon of water throughout the day
Complete at least 30 minutes of strength training each day and a 30 minute run three days per week
Prep my food for the following day
Work with Opal for 15 minutes a day
Complete my p.m. routine to include a second shower, a rotation of manicure and pedicure as needed, make up removal, moisturizing, and using my Netti pot
Spend quality time with family
Complete daily chores to include making a bed, cleaning the kitchen, tidying, and a rotation of cleaning the floors, the windows, etc. as needed
Complete a creative project each week
Read for pleasure for at least 30 minutes a day
Have an hour of relaxation each day
In bed no later than 11

I am open for suggestions if anybody knows how I can make this happen!

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